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Poland as a front line state?

Posted By admin On 30 November 09 @ 12:06 In Michał Bąkowski | 2 Comments

I hesitated for some time before writing this. After all, our website has just benefited from what I can only describe as “Nyquist effect”. In one hour we had as many hits as in an average week, in a few days as many as in a month. Well, I guess we should be grateful. On the other hand, however, we are not gambling for popularity stakes; I would even hazard a guess that “popularity” would be somewhat unwelcome for views such as ours, as it could be taken for a sure sign of drifting away from the truth.

In his interview with Dariusz Rohnka, Jeff Nyquist offered us a clear and uncompromising analysis of the current political situation, which in itself is rarer these days than a Catholic priest upholding the Credo (and that is almost unheard of). Nyquist is fearless in his assessments, which in turn leads him to making predictions that many readers could find slightly unnerving. Nevertheless, whenever we find ourselves in agreement we ought to look for the fine points of difference because truth and beauty always lie in the detail.

So without further ado let me move on to the passage from Nyquist’s interview, which I find dubious at best and outright wrong at worst:

The peace and prosperity mediated by American power is also coming to an end. What happens next will depend on the people of Poland, Ukraine, Germany and France (among others). Poland is a front line state in the struggle against Russian power, and everything that happens in Poland today is decisive for Europe. The Russians face serious problems at home, and their strategy of neutralizing the United States is simply a preliminary step to subjugating Europe. If the countries of Europe show their resolve, Russia will be placed in a hopeless situation. Here Poland can set the tone for the rest of Europe. It is my hope that Europe (in the days to come) will recover its moral courage, its internal vitality, and its faith.

It would be hard to disagree that the period of peace and prosperity is coming to an end. It was fun while it lasted but, looking at the rivers of champagne still flowing freely, at the fast cars still racing, at all the fast women and slow horses, I would venture to suggest that the population of developed countries is in denial (to use that horrible phrase). The role of the benevolent American power in making the long lasting prosperity possible is also beyond dispute, regardless of the constant carping from lefties about the “military-industrial complex”, about the inferior motives, about American imperialism etc. Whether such unprecedented prosperity was based on stable foundations or indeed was good for humanity is actually open to debate but will not be my subject here and, in any case, I for one am still enjoying it. The West is rotting away but what a gorgeous scent it gives out!…

It is Nyquist’s insistence that “what happens next will depend on the people of Poland, Ukraine, Germany and France”, which I find objectionable. Let’s start with Germany and France. Both are at the heart of a project commonly known as “European Union”. It must be clear to Nyquist that the EU is no more than a tool in the soviet plan to subjugate the entire continent. A careful reader of the interview would point out that Nyquist referred to the “people” of these countries rather than to the state apparatus. So what is he actually expecting? Another French revolution? This time against the European bureaucrats? Will Carla Bruni let them eat cakes? Even if it were desirable, which it isn’t, I wouldn’t count on it.

Yet more worrying is his reference to the “people of Poland and Ukraine”. So what are the Poles and Ukrainians supposed to do? How can they play a role “against Russia”? How can they “set a tone for the rest of Europe”? What are they expected to do other then re-arrange the chairs on the deck of a sinking ship? The moment anyone in those parts wishes to fight the soviets, he has the entire world united in condemnation against him; that had been the case for the last 70 years and remains so. Sadly, Poles and Ukrainians are actually more likely to fight against each other than together “against Russia” (whatever it may mean but I will come back to that in a moment).

If counting on the “people of Poland” sounds a bit far-fetched than it actually gets worse because the most astonishing part of Nyquist’s statement is his description of Poland as a “front line state in the struggle against Russian power”.

First things first: Russian power collapsed in October 1917 and has never recovered since. A small gang of international hoodlums took over the remnants of the Russian state and used them as an instrument of their foreign policy. What they created on the ruins of the Russian Empire was not a different Russian state – in fact, it was not a state at all – but a tool of world revolution. Lenin, who was remarkably open in his utterances, said as much: “I don’t care what becomes of Russia. To hell with it! All this is only the road to a World Revolution.” Marxism-leninism is not a theory of “command economy” but the practical Method of fomenting world revolution.

Nyquist is one of the very few analysts who understand that point very well so why is he talking of Russian power? Surely not because of the events of 20 years ago, which he quite rightly describes as the “so called fall of communism”. Why then? It is not just a question of semantics. The clarity of our terminology inevitably feeds the clarity of thought and vice versa. When our terminology is confused our message gets blurred. Hiding the malevolent soviet power behind the façade of the Russian state is a trick as old as the bolshevik revolution. It reduces the international threat to a more manageable national dimension.

As a result of the Second World War, the triumphant soviets took over most of Eastern Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt gave their blessing to the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and thus Stalin incorporated some vanquished states – like the Baltics – in the ussr, as soviet republics, and created “state-like” zones with grandiose names elsewhere, for instance, “German Dramatic Republic” or “Polish People’s Republic”. But these creations did not belong to the continuity of statehood they replaced but to the continuity started by Lenin and his henchmen in October 1917.

Since there has been no Polish state from September 1939 onwards (the only legal Polish Government was in Exile) and since we agree with Nyquist that nothing has changed fundamentally in 1989 – I cannot understand what “Polish state” he is referring to. Twenty years ago, general Kiszczak, chief of the secret police and a high ranking official of the communist party arranged the so called round table talks with members of Solidarity led opposition. This opposition was full of the “former” communists and included Lech Wałęsa who, regardless of his saintly status in the West, stands accused of being a secret police informant. Jeff Nyquist knows all that. So how can a “Polish state”, which is in every respect a legal continuation of the “people’s republic”, attain in his eyes the elevated position of a “front line state in the struggle against Russian power”?

To be fair to Nyquist, he says very clearly (in an answer to another question) that Poland is “under the control of hidden Soviet structures, hidden KGB and mafia structures” but it only compounds the mystery of the previously quoted fragment. Before I am accused of splitting hairs or needlessly “attacking” Jeff Nyquist, I have to state that I wish to do neither and yet the offending passage has already been quoted on an interesting website called Once Upon a Time in the West. [1] Author of the article about the tri-national military pact involving Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, maintains that such a pact would indeed be directed “against the Russians” and that it would “further antagonize the Kremlin and the former communist state of Poland and the former Soviet republic of Lithuania”. In reality, this apparent antagonism is no more than the pretence of the “sino-soviet split”, as described so vividly by Golitsyn in New Lies for Old.

No, today’s Poland is not a frontline state in the struggle against the soviet power. Today’s Poland is widely accepted by Poles as a final manifestation of true Polish statehood, as Free Poland, and therein lies the problem. Should the population of Poland recognize the fundamentally dependent nature of their state, the perpetual control exercised by the soviets, as accurately described by Nyquist, then – and only then – could Poland form a frontline against the soviet power.


  1. http://once-upon-a-time-in-the-west.blogspot.com/2009/11/ww4-file-poland-lithuania-urge-ukraine.html [1]

2 Comments (Open | Close)

2 Comments To "Poland as a front line state?"

#1 Comment By Serge Kabud On 3 December 09 @ 1:05

Hi Michal

please explain how do I find this discussion, what is a site structure.

I only managed to get here thru google search on

“Jeff Nyquist Dariusz Rohnka”

my friends want to part take in the discussion

but the site navigation is a mystery )))

#2 Comment By Serge Kabud On 3 December 09 @ 1:08

ok, looks like I can figure it out:

comments appear some times after moderation some times immediately

also diorect links to commenting appear some times below the article some times above

and advertisment popups are a bit annoying))) but what can one do)))

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[1] http://once-upon-a-time-in-the-west.blogspot.com/2009/11/ww4-file-poland-lithuania-urge-ukraine.html: http://once-upon-a-time-in-the-west.blogspot.com/2009/11/ww4-file-poland-lithuania-urge-ukraine.html

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