Jeff Nyquist talks to Dariusz Rohnka
Part Two
DR: Let’s go back to your President. Was the recent decision of the Nobel Peace Prize committee a direct result of his UN speech where he declared his goal of nuclear disarmament? Or do you think we ought to see it in a wider context?
JN: The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Obama because he promised to strip the United States of nuclear weapons. Of course, he should have received the Stalin Prize; but today we do not have the Stalin Prize. We have the Nobel Prize. As for a wider context awarding the Nobel Prize was meant to push Obama to making key concessions to Moscow. Read more ->
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Jeff Nyquist talks to Dariusz Rohnka
Part One
Dariusz Rohnka: Jeff, you belong to a very small group of American writers trying to understand the events of 1989-1991. What in your opinion was the decisive factor in the universal acceptance of the official version of events? Why is it that other interpretations aroused so little interest?
Jeff Nyquist: The decisive factor in the universal acceptance of the official version of the “fall of Communism” was the success of Soviet active measures in Western countries, along with the steady advance of socialist ideas within those countries.
Why were alternate interpretations disregarded? The West is addicted to comfort, to the flattery of public conceits, to obligatory economic optimism, and to the mistaken assumption that only popular regimes can endure. The West does not realize that dictatorship is the norm in human history while freedom is the exception. Therefore, the West was ready to assume that its way of life was bound to win. The Conservatives were eager to claim a victory for themselves, while the socialists were given the chance to advance their agenda without the stigma of the USSR. Read more ->
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Olavo de Carvalho answers the questions of the Editors of Wydawnictwo Podziemne
0 comments Published 9 October 2007    |
WP: According to common perception, a revolution was initiated in Poland in 1989 with historical significance and global consequences. There is copious evidence that this allegedly anti-communist revolt, which swept through Eastern Europe , was indeed planned by Soviet secret services and served the long-term strategy of perestroika. In Poland ‘s case the deception was facilitated by a secret agreement between the communist party, leaders of the Solidarity movement and the Catholic hierarchy – and we still see the consequences of this arrangement. What is your opinion of the Eastern European revolutions? Is it reasonable to claim that the Eastern part of the continent was truly freed then?
Olavo de Carvalho: No, Eastern Europe was not truly freed. But a fake liberation can easily be turned into a genuine one if the secret manipulators are exposed and their power is transferred to the hands of true patriots in due time . The time is now. Read more ->
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Jeff Nyquist answers the questions of the Editors of Wydawnictwo Podziemne
1 comment Published 30 September 2007    |
WP: According to common perception, a revolution was initiated in Poland in 1989 with historical significance and global consequences. There is copious evidence that this allegedly anti-communist revolt, which swept through Eastern Europe, was indeed planned by Soviet secret services and served the long-term strategy of perestroika. In Poland’s case the deception was facilitated by a secret agreement between the communist party, leaders of the Solidarity movement and the Catholic hierarchy – and we still see the consequences of this arrangement. What is your opinion of the Eastern European revolutions? Is it reasonable to claim that the Eastern part of the continent was truly freed then?
JEFF NYQUIST: My opinion is that the East European revolutions were planned, far in advance, by the KGB and a secret section of the Communist Party Soviet Union, in keeping with a grand strategy worked out in the late 1950s by a committee of Soviet strategists led by Leonid Brezhnev (which included Nikolai Mironov, a KGB general and advocate of Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”). The evolution of the strategy coincided with the realization that the Stalinist system could not survive without carefully prepared reforms led by agents of the secret police, including a controlled dissident movement that would be accepted by the West. It must be admitted, of course, that a certain degree of freedom was granted by these revolutions. At the same time, new control mechanisms were worked out for strategically vital sectors of business and government. From the perspective of Moscow, there would be a period of disorganization and setbacks, followed by the mature development of new control mechanisms, leading to a smoother and more effective system. Read more ->
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